Seems that summer has started finally.
5 am and I'm wide awake,turned the fan on but it just seems to add up to the noise.
Outside It's full of people who can't sleep either.they don't like to browse the internet though,they prefer to drive around and talk to the prostitutes around here.
I need to wake up at 07 am, I hope to be back...
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5 am and I'm wide awake,turned the fan on but it just seems to add up to the noise.
Outside It's full of people who can't sleep either.they don't like to browse the internet though,they prefer to drive around and talk to the prostitutes around here.
I need to wake up at 07 am, I hope to be back...
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Woke up this morning,cellphone was gone.
It was a fucking cool cellphone :-(
it was an alcatel,they don\'t even sell it here in Brazil,so, there\'s no service for this phone here,
The language the phone was in is DUTCH.
There\'s no way they can do anything with it.
anyway,someone just called me with my own cellphone and hung up,kinda painfull to know that someone is...
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It was a fucking cool cellphone :-(
it was an alcatel,they don\'t even sell it here in Brazil,so, there\'s no service for this phone here,
The language the phone was in is DUTCH.
There\'s no way they can do anything with it.
anyway,someone just called me with my own cellphone and hung up,kinda painfull to know that someone is...
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What the hell brought you all the way from belgium to Sao Pablo?...
Im addicng you as a friend
Im addicng you as a friend
fala eu tb naum sei q lingua falo melhor,
naci no uruguay mas morei 8 anos na bahia...
agora estou em montevideo,
bem vindo ao site!
naci no uruguay mas morei 8 anos na bahia...
agora estou em montevideo,
bem vindo ao site!
I'm glad you liked my set and you are welcome to use my pictures anytime!