When you look into the eyes of the wise and old... when they are tired, lived a full life and fragile, you fear that you may never see them again... But you have a lifetime of memories to keep them alive...
When you look into the eyes of a child, you should never have to have that fear...
My heart goes out...
What a fragile world we live in...
There is so much going on and the weight of it all just hung over me on the drive home where I saw nothing but a field of red lights for the next few miles...
Breakdown. Tears of frustration. Of pain. Of not understanding. Work. Being broke. Holiday stress. Friends. Family.
I'm at loss for words.
Going out tonight. Need to. Need to dance. Need to be around friends...
When you look into the eyes of a child, you should never have to have that fear...
My heart goes out...
What a fragile world we live in...
There is so much going on and the weight of it all just hung over me on the drive home where I saw nothing but a field of red lights for the next few miles...
Breakdown. Tears of frustration. Of pain. Of not understanding. Work. Being broke. Holiday stress. Friends. Family.
I'm at loss for words.
Going out tonight. Need to. Need to dance. Need to be around friends...