Lots to do today...
I'm taking Taki (the baby kitten) to the vet. And hopefully with a little time and love, she'll be on her way to a healthy kitten life
Then hangin' with a friend. Need to pick up new headphones for tha' decks cause the ones I have SUCK...
CD shopping is a possibility... all depending on how much I spend at the vet.
Hopeing to get some photography in today.. lThe sun is out and there is a park with a leetle bridge around the corner that i want to shoot...
TekNoir is tonight... excited about that...
I'm taking Taki (the baby kitten) to the vet. And hopefully with a little time and love, she'll be on her way to a healthy kitten life
Then hangin' with a friend. Need to pick up new headphones for tha' decks cause the ones I have SUCK...
CD shopping is a possibility... all depending on how much I spend at the vet.
Hopeing to get some photography in today.. lThe sun is out and there is a park with a leetle bridge around the corner that i want to shoot...
TekNoir is tonight... excited about that...
please join!