Polly: I got the same message too, but I'm still here. It was saying the card was expired... not sure *scratches head*
Halloween was grand. Spent with good friends and fell asleep with friends snug like kittens.
I didn't make it to the Katabatik show. I'm rather bummed about it... I drove up and down and around trying to find the venue, but it was a lost cause. So I headed over to the DNA where friends were anyways, and had a good time...
I'm frustrated with work. I'm seriously thinking about looking for a new job again... despite loving over half the staff very much - i'm just over qualified for retail, yet that's all I can get. And there are certain people who are higher up that do less work than me and i get paid SHIT for it...
The dog is on my floor sleeping.. and snoring... it's cute...
new club tonight.. posted it in the calendar. Im excited...
Halloween was grand. Spent with good friends and fell asleep with friends snug like kittens.
I didn't make it to the Katabatik show. I'm rather bummed about it... I drove up and down and around trying to find the venue, but it was a lost cause. So I headed over to the DNA where friends were anyways, and had a good time...
I'm frustrated with work. I'm seriously thinking about looking for a new job again... despite loving over half the staff very much - i'm just over qualified for retail, yet that's all I can get. And there are certain people who are higher up that do less work than me and i get paid SHIT for it...
The dog is on my floor sleeping.. and snoring... it's cute...
new club tonight.. posted it in the calendar. Im excited...
Hey! What's up! I would LOVE to check out this club, but I have to work my g/f's party in the city tonight. I like to go to bondage a go-go, is this similar? Please keep me up dated on dates for this event. I can't make it on the 1st Wed of every month though
Why is it the cutest thing a pet snores, but very annoying when it's a human? I always think it's the cutest thing when my cat snores!