Bahh...back to work tomorrow. It was so nice having time off from that hell hole. I guess ill just have to grin and bear it. (Yippeee) I just found out one of half sisters is coming to visit me soon, I met them last summer. Im really looking forward to getting to know her better but i have to admit Im a bit nervous too. Should be really great though..its interesting how things work out I recently found out that the place I work for which is contracted through UPS is located in Halifax, Canada. Thats where my half sisters and bio-mom live and I could transfer if i wanted but i dont know, that's kinda a big step. Although i do love canada and would not mind at all living there. humm its an idea anyway!!! well enough of my babbling..... off to write a paper now on the Imperial World oh yeahh lucky me

Damn lady! You're really getting bad about keeping us amused with more photos and I guess you think you're too cool to waste time online at a nudie website, don't ya'? lol..Okay, anyway, hope you come back soon..dammit, now I wanna listen to DEVO.."Come back Johhny"...later babe.
Hey babe, where ya been and who ya been doin'? lol. So, what's been shaking? I haven't called you in like, forever huh? I should try this weekend, it's always fun..and informative! I can find out all the secrets you know about me! Yay! And hey, you really make me feel like a dork when I'm always updating on here and you never are! I mean, I have a life too! I swear! lol..Actually, I guess I just have so much time off of work that I get bored, and apparently easily distreacted by naked chicks..who woulda thought? Anyway, I'm hoping to really start hitting up the beach soon, it's almost summer! Which means warmer water so I can actually go surfing, I mean, I hate wetsuits! Plus, all the shrinkage has gotta have an affect! I better not chance it, so I'm a warm-weather surfer! Aloha!