Bah humbug...Times are crazy!!!

Yeah, I hate this time of year. I can't wait till Febuary... when thoughts of christmas are long gone.

Times they are a crazy, but I still kinda like I hate to see too big of a balance in my checking account. I carry on the long traditon of my families over-spending ways..well, the Klein side at well, it is fun to buy stuff that nobody is gonna like..Wait, I think I'm coming across way to mean-spirited..I mean, I actually DO like Christmas...Hey! Good job on the grades! That's always good news, I know that even tho' I'm quite possibly dumber than I used to be, I would probably be better at applying myself in school...By the way, the new picture you put up in your folder shows you lookin' still as good as you were when you used to get all of those pesky "D"'s.....Mele Kalikamaka!!! Or however you spell that!