I have had an uneventful weekend which has been really nice. Woke up at 1pm sat after a hard night of drinking. Went to the Museum of Art today which was fun and informative, unfortuneately now I have to write a four page paper on three of the painting's...Yikes! I rearranged my furniture finally which has been needed for well over a year now..its so cozy now
All in all not a bad weekend..dont really have any drama to speak of at the moment... thankgoodness!!! Hope all had a good weekend as well.

Pulling off a four page bs essay shouldn't be too hard. I wrote every semesters huge 8 page essay the day before it was due.

Hey! pics are up! And trust me, it wasn't worth all the hype..lol..Ahhh, essays on art. Sounds fun, especially when most of the "art" out there is shit. Mine included....have fun at work! I know I am, we had a really kickin' house fire yesterday! Woohoo....adios!