random Wingsie facts
- I would rather die in a carwreck than be stabbed and live
- I like kissing girls more than boys
- I like sexing boys more than girls
- I liks sexing and kissing thebulletdodger more than both
- If I watch a scary movie at night I have to sleep with all the lights on and all the doors to all the other rooms closed.
- I don't like when guys buy me girly presents. I don't like regular jewlery shit, and I don't want a foot massager. I like presents that are for ME.
- I buy guys guy presents, or presents dealing with sex
- I haven't eaten at KFC since April, and from September to April I ate there once or twice a day, 6 days a week.
-My favorite color is yellow, but it doesn't look good on me.
-I like hot more than cold, but when it's 110 degrees out, I wish I was back in ND in the winter. below zero sounds better.
-I always remember my dreams.
- today I ate apple cinnamon cheerios
-I'm not an Alkie, but I like going to AA sometimes.
-I've been sober for 1 month and 2 days. woohoo.
-I like riding the bus.
-I love me some Stormy
-writing letters is my favorite
-I drive a 92 ford taurus that is falling the fuck apart
- I would rather die in a carwreck than be stabbed and live
- I like kissing girls more than boys
- I like sexing boys more than girls
- I liks sexing and kissing thebulletdodger more than both
- If I watch a scary movie at night I have to sleep with all the lights on and all the doors to all the other rooms closed.
- I don't like when guys buy me girly presents. I don't like regular jewlery shit, and I don't want a foot massager. I like presents that are for ME.
- I buy guys guy presents, or presents dealing with sex

- I haven't eaten at KFC since April, and from September to April I ate there once or twice a day, 6 days a week.
-My favorite color is yellow, but it doesn't look good on me.
-I like hot more than cold, but when it's 110 degrees out, I wish I was back in ND in the winter. below zero sounds better.
-I always remember my dreams.
- today I ate apple cinnamon cheerios
-I'm not an Alkie, but I like going to AA sometimes.
-I've been sober for 1 month and 2 days. woohoo.
-I like riding the bus.
-I love me some Stormy
-writing letters is my favorite
-I drive a 92 ford taurus that is falling the fuck apart
Don't buy Wingsie girlie shit. EVER.
i worte someting in his journal go look
have a nice day
& i'm sober for 1 month 2 weeks, yeAHHH