I'm crying, and furious, and upset, and depressed, and stressed, and still crying.
who do doctors think they are?! I mean SERIOUSLY. one night in the emergency room for something I didn't even remember:
$655 ambulance bill
$414 doctor bill
$1800 hospital bill
I now have about $6000 in debt that I can count, and that's not counting the 3 or more thousand dollars I owe my mom for bills she's paid, and the $1000 I still owe her for my car. and I haven't even had any student loans, or loans of any kind to pay back. WTF?!?!?!?!
x a fucking zillion
who do doctors think they are?! I mean SERIOUSLY. one night in the emergency room for something I didn't even remember:
$655 ambulance bill
$414 doctor bill
$1800 hospital bill
I now have about $6000 in debt that I can count, and that's not counting the 3 or more thousand dollars I owe my mom for bills she's paid, and the $1000 I still owe her for my car. and I haven't even had any student loans, or loans of any kind to pay back. WTF?!?!?!?!

Hope you are okay.