the same frustrations I had last time I was involved on this site are back.
Firstly. The republican set that went up today - I'm sure she's a nice girl, she's attractive and all, but a girl with one piercing, into michael jackson and hanson and pro bush republican. I know it's about freedom of speech, but this isn't the BBC. It doesn't have to...
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Firstly. The republican set that went up today - I'm sure she's a nice girl, she's attractive and all, but a girl with one piercing, into michael jackson and hanson and pro bush republican. I know it's about freedom of speech, but this isn't the BBC. It doesn't have to...
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um, stuff
i was telling someone about this band, and just have to share it with all of you.
i saw these guys last may in Phoenix at the Martini Ranch. Cheap drinks, girls dancing on the bar (co-incidence? hmmm) It fucking rocked m/
i saw these guys last may in Phoenix at the Martini Ranch. Cheap drinks, girls dancing on the bar (co-incidence? hmmm) It fucking rocked m/
your line was the funniest of the day.
as always.
I'm sorry we missed each other.
work again.
as always.
I'm sorry we missed each other.
work again.

thank you.
I wasn't going to.
I wasn't going to.


I can't believe you saw that and it didn't bother you. 

hey what's wrong with fat girls?
you know there is 'a lot of me to go around.'
man that hurts.
you know there is 'a lot of me to go around.'
man that hurts.

i'm loving chillis at the moment, mmmmm, and grapes.
my ipod loves me - i put it on shuffle and out of about 6000 songs it played my favorite rise against, descendents and suicide machines songs in about the first 10 songs.
i've decided I actually find about 10%, maybe 20% of the sg's to be attractive. The rest are only here because of their...
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my ipod loves me - i put it on shuffle and out of about 6000 songs it played my favorite rise against, descendents and suicide machines songs in about the first 10 songs.
i've decided I actually find about 10%, maybe 20% of the sg's to be attractive. The rest are only here because of their...
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Yo yoooo .... Rise Against doing acoustic for a wedding sounds pretty fucking cool!!!! Propose away ... a cool chick will accept!!!
Their performance at Warped Tour was incrooooyable!!! It was storming somethin' fierce and there was lightening and thunder crashing and just all round coolness!!! Until the golf ball sized hail starting raining down ... that kinda sucked!!! Hee hee ...
Mmmmm ... Henry Rollins ... yum yum yum ... enough said. Ha ha!!
Their performance at Warped Tour was incrooooyable!!! It was storming somethin' fierce and there was lightening and thunder crashing and just all round coolness!!! Until the golf ball sized hail starting raining down ... that kinda sucked!!! Hee hee ...
Mmmmm ... Henry Rollins ... yum yum yum ... enough said. Ha ha!!
right, I'm over the ex, it just clicked. We went out for lunch, bickered, started a tit for tat arguement, and it was plain to see we aren't right for each other.
Went to London to go out with about 9 of my cousins on Saturday night,. It was cool, we normally only see each other at christmas, but we all get on pretty well,...
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Went to London to go out with about 9 of my cousins on Saturday night,. It was cool, we normally only see each other at christmas, but we all get on pretty well,...
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I'm glad you are over the ex.
she seemed really immature trying to get you jealous and shit.
and great talking to you today. it's nice to catch up.
she seemed really immature trying to get you jealous and shit.
and great talking to you today. it's nice to catch up.

so, sg is going to become the dumping ground for al my issues over my ex! She doesn't know I've joined again, or my username.
Basically she pulled the can't handle a relationship card - that said, she's only 21 and was a couple of weeks out of a 2 year relationship when we met in November.
I did argee, the timing was lousy. I'd...
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Basically she pulled the can't handle a relationship card - that said, she's only 21 and was a couple of weeks out of a 2 year relationship when we met in November.
I did argee, the timing was lousy. I'd...
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Hey man!!!!!!! Thanks for coming to my journal to talk about ... Henry Rollins .. drool, sigh ...
That's cool that you saw him. I read somewhere that he was doing spoken word shows throughout the UK. I saw him last March and made a colossal ass out of myself. My only defence is that I have been in serious lust with the man since I was like 12. Fucked up yeah I know ... but there is something about him that just screams sexy to me. I love his words .. the way he carries himself, the rage and intensity that drives him. I gave him some kleenex that had a skull and crossbones on it after his spoken word show. He looked a little confused ... so I muttered .. bad ass tissues for a bad ass motherfucker and ran away like a little girl. I've never gotten over the shame ....
But the one thing I noticed was how tired he looked. And grey ... I think his hardness and insane work schedules are catching up to him. I really don't care ... for me it's part of his charm. I will lust after him when he is 70 I bet. How sad and pathetic is that???????
p.s. I love Rise Against and the Descendants. Saw Rise Against at Warped Tour last summer and they put on a killer show.
p.p.s. forget your girl troubles. Just be open and communicate before hand no matter what that Smuffy says!!!! Have sex, but be honest before you do.
That's cool that you saw him. I read somewhere that he was doing spoken word shows throughout the UK. I saw him last March and made a colossal ass out of myself. My only defence is that I have been in serious lust with the man since I was like 12. Fucked up yeah I know ... but there is something about him that just screams sexy to me. I love his words .. the way he carries himself, the rage and intensity that drives him. I gave him some kleenex that had a skull and crossbones on it after his spoken word show. He looked a little confused ... so I muttered .. bad ass tissues for a bad ass motherfucker and ran away like a little girl. I've never gotten over the shame ....
But the one thing I noticed was how tired he looked. And grey ... I think his hardness and insane work schedules are catching up to him. I really don't care ... for me it's part of his charm. I will lust after him when he is 70 I bet. How sad and pathetic is that???????

p.s. I love Rise Against and the Descendants. Saw Rise Against at Warped Tour last summer and they put on a killer show.
p.p.s. forget your girl troubles. Just be open and communicate before hand no matter what that Smuffy says!!!! Have sex, but be honest before you do.
i think you NEED a rebound girl. it seems like the relationship you had is done, at least for a while, so a rebound person will really help take your mind off things for a while.
jeez, i can't believe I'm getting back into this site again - though I am a little bored of the sg's. The members are more interesting.
missed out on a commission on a deal today of about $2000 because fucking dhl took 9 days to get a parcel from Germany to the UK. 3 days, that how long it was meant to be! Ah well,...
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missed out on a commission on a deal today of about $2000 because fucking dhl took 9 days to get a parcel from Germany to the UK. 3 days, that how long it was meant to be! Ah well,...
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1. I'm sick and I need to do stuff so I won't be around today. but hello to you to facefucker.
2. I look at all the sets but they are not my primary focus. I just love my peeps.
3. maybe you should start going to a tanning booth.
4. a picture would be nice so that you can make new friends. you don't want people thinking you're a faceless creepo do you?
5. have a great day. I'll be dragging my sick ass around trying to get stuff done.

2. I look at all the sets but they are not my primary focus. I just love my peeps.

3. maybe you should start going to a tanning booth.

4. a picture would be nice so that you can make new friends. you don't want people thinking you're a faceless creepo do you?
5. have a great day. I'll be dragging my sick ass around trying to get stuff done.
hello bitch.
actually my parents and myself are quite ill and are all home, trying to do some work and recovering.

actually my parents and myself are quite ill and are all home, trying to do some work and recovering.
say hello then

great talking to you tonight. 

is this THE ross? i remember you! you rock!

Oh and by the way, how the hell do you just stumble upon Henry Rollins on your way home. Goddamnit I hate you. What I wouldn't give to stumble upon good ole Hank when I was mildly tipsy. I think I would just jump on him. You lucky bastard.
And also, I may possibly be in Europe for two weeks so if you are back the 2nd week of October you can go to Amsterdam with me. Oh the fun that could be had...