The Posion concert was awsome. Bret, CC, Bobby, and Ricky sure know how to put on a show. As always trashy sexy women, the kind I love, everywhere as well.
I have ran into a few exs the past month and all I can think about is what if and why not ask her out again. Then i remember why we broke up, then I think about what she looked like nude to get my spirits back up then think about the sex all while still talking. After the sex thoughts I have to end... Read More
It's ok, it happens to the best of us. I did end up going to Cedar Rapids, but only for 24 hours and I wasn't the driver. So I didn't have to stop and visit. Maybe next time I visit my cousin, I'll try to schedule a stop to meet you. That would be fun.
Every thing went good this weekend thanks for all your concern. All I have to say there are good drugs and bad ones and when you get hooked on the bad ones it can ruin you life and be very hard to quit. She is not out of the woods by far but atleast it is a start.
Thanks for the luck in came in handy. When rich people get married it seems to be a good time. They have the classy receptions, which I can do with out, but it is fun to hit on rich spolied little 25 to 30 yo girls and see their dads faces when they notice their girl is talking to me.