Chistmas stuff is out already. What is the world coming to? It is even out at Lowes. I thought that was a mans store. I guess not.
More Blogs
Tuesday Oct 23, 2007
Sore throats and stuffy noses suck. -
Tuesday Oct 16, 2007
Its freaking flooding here in October. Suppose to get a bunch more r… -
Sunday Oct 14, 2007
A rainy sunday. it sucks. -
Thursday Oct 11, 2007
Chistmas stuff is out already. What is the world coming to? It is e… -
Monday Oct 01, 2007
Mondays suck, mondays when you have a cold, are pluged up, kind of ha… -
Thursday Sep 27, 2007
I have nothing to say but reading my old blog made me think about fun… -
Monday Sep 24, 2007
MM had sex with a stripper this weekend. At my place. man it was fun… -
Friday Sep 21, 2007
Does anyone eles want to come kick me while im down. What a day. On… -
Thursday Sep 20, 2007
Why is it that Germans get a whole month to celebrate their drinking … -
Sunday Sep 16, 2007
KInky naughty dirty sex is fun. The pizza hut girl and me had a good…
People actually want it.