Tips on not looking like a slob at a resturant.
If the place is classier than say Macdonlds or Pizza Hut leave the flipflops and mesh shorts that hang to your calves at home.
If the place is classier than Applebees, Hooters, or a Sports Bar leave the Harley T shirt, the Baseball Jersey, the hat, and the shirt with the sleaves cut off at home.
If the place is classier than say Macdonlds or Pizza Hut leave the flipflops and mesh shorts that hang to your calves at home.
If the place is classier than Applebees, Hooters, or a Sports Bar leave the Harley T shirt, the Baseball Jersey, the hat, and the shirt with the sleaves cut off at home.
Good plan! Mesh shorts sound sexy!!

i love flip flops. but mesh... anything is not cool.