i am sad to report the death of my couch. i had noticed that one of the boards was hanging down the other day and finally flipped the damn thing over to investigate this morning. it's all kinds of busted underneath and not in a way i can fix. damn it. it was my very first couch, my first piece of real furniture that i bought to stick in the crappy apartment i had by myself back in knob. that couch and i had lots of good times together. it's carcass shall remain in my living room where it will continue to be all busted until i move. i don't think it could possibly survive the big move. how sad. on the other hand the death of said wonderful couch has my boyfriend talking about us buying a new one together. i never even purchased furniture with my husband so this is a type of commitment i am not used to. thank god that's a couple months away because i'm not sure how long it will take me to get over my first couch.
I can't take all the credit for it. I first saw it right here on SG like 3 years ago.
Hey. It's true. Couches are a significant part of ones life. I shal mourn this couchs passing with the greatest of respect.