went to therapy this morning, it was a trip as always. sometimes it's rough hearing what someone on the outside of the situation has to say. at least i didn't cry like last time. still homesick as fuck though. saw my shrink today as well, that went well. if my emotional state stays the same/improves i won't have to see him for another month. awesome. i don't know what the hell my deal is. i'm anxious but don't want to take my anti-anxiety shit because it will knock me out and it's still a bit early for sleep. drat. stopped by the bookstore between appointments and picked up two new books. now if only i could sit still long enough to read them. i practiced doing acrylics for the hell of it. going to try to make a point of practicing every night just to keep up my skillz. just noticed that i have red patches all over my chest. this anxiety thing is kicking my ass. tomorrow i have to go file my taxes. lost my fucking w-2 form there for a while, found it today in between my bed and bedside table.
I've never had any luck with shrinks, imagine being a 14 year old kid and have your doc tell both of your parents that maybe I was just LAZY...
Acryllics? Is that like some excersize or are you making jewlery?