i must admit that this last week has probably been the worst week i've had in a while. that being said, i'm pretty sure that a week this shitty occurring this early in the year means that things can only get better form here. yeah, right, i don't believe it either but it was a nice try. since either saturday or sunday, i can't be bothered to remember which, i have been suffering from what the doctor called cluster tension headaches. he said some of the vertebrate in my neck were out of place and he manipulated them (read: tricked me into allowing him to crack my neck) back into place. so he gave me midrin to get rid of the headache and a muscle relaxer to take at night . that was on wednesday morning that i saw my doctor. unfortunately the midrin doesn't work on my headache worth a damn and the muscle relaxers don't do anything either. the one thing that the midrin does manage to do well is make impossible for me to stay awake which if course means that i wouldn't be able to take it at work if i had to. so if i'm lucky i will be able to go back to work on saturday. to add to all the good fun happy times i blew the head gasket on my car on tuesday, so it's in the shop. even if i felt well enough to go to work i would have no fucking way of getting there because joe has been at work since yesterday morning. ugh. to add to the madness joe and i fought most of the day on tuesday. we even had the "i hate you. no, i hate you more," talk in which we both spouted out wonderfully hateful things about the other. how sweet. one would think that my "i wish you were dead" would have won out but his "i wish i hadn't wasted the last six years of my life on you" hit me pretty fucking hard and ultimately took away the fire breathing power of this little dragon. more on the misery later, the light form the computer is hurting my brain.
And drink lots of water.