good morning. at least i'm awake during the daylight hours today. yesterday i didn't get up until 5:30 pm, long story. let's see, work sucks but i don't have to go back until tuesday. thank god. i fucking hate that place, and am looking for a new job. i swear to god my bosses will ask me for a kidney next, i already take all the piercings out of my face and my hair is as normal as it gets, what do you sick bastards want next? blood? first born child? virgin sacrifice? crusade? if im going to have to build a goddamn arch this is really short notice. today is going to be a cleaning day. the house really needs it, we turned everything upside-down for the holidays. i am sleeping in my bedroom now instead of joe's room. that started about a week ago i think. it's panning out well for the both of us, things are a might less tense and both of us actually sleep well. plus we can go to bed whenever the hell we want and not bother the other when crawling into bed in the wee hours of the morning. and i can lay in bed and watch television. a little emotional distance is good too, normally i have a huge problem with giving space when it's needed, but this is working out for the best. i do my thing, he does his. speaking of doing my thing, i went to the "together as one" rave with a lady and a gent from work on new years. it was great, i'm hoping to go to another one on the 31st of march. i heart drum and bass by the way. took out my lip ring, got tired of having to take it out for work and having it close a little and forcing the bar back through. the cats have become increasingly playful and now chase each other through the house at all hours and play-fight on my bed. kiko always loses, but that could have something to do with the fact that he is half sylvesters size. the faux-hawk is working out just swell but i wish i could dye it a brighter red without getting in trouble at work. damn this job is smothering! *muffled cries from beneath a pillow with the albertsons logo on it.* ugh. i had a roll of film developed which contained pictures from our first month in the house, i must say that my blue hair rocked! there were also pictures of mikey in the bathtub, may he rest in peace in kitty heaven where he eats babies. there were also some really great pictures of joe which i may make doubles of and send to his family. it's too bad the scanner doesn't work right now or i'd post them. i'm sure i forgot half the things i meant to say. oh well, next time.
Thats the one thing that sucks about most jobs as a whole, you cant just completely be yourself, they want you to be asheep and fit in with the "norm"
...I would definatley have tats more exposed, but im too afraid to because of the whole job thing...
Jobs can really be suffocating sometimes! Make sure to steal something valuable when you quit.