i don't usually watch grey's anatomy but there is nothing else on. work was very boring today, but at least we had a better salvation army bell ringer guy outside the store. the first guy had weasel eyes and smoked really rank cigarettes, but the guy we had today was friendly and actually smiled, plus he wasn't creepy. i am seriously considering looking for a manicuring job. not that i don't like my job, it's good money for the amount of work i do, but i would like to practice the skills that i have training in. i am so happy to have my manicuring license but i still have to find a super neat frame for it. my license picture is so terrible, you can see my bra straps sliding down my arms. work is getting easier, i bought the cushion things that you put in your shoes because my shoes didn't have arch supports and my feet and legs were killing me by the end of the day. i sound like an old person. it appears that i have a devout customer, his name is mike and he uses one of those electric carts. they even called me over the intercom so i could help him out with his groceries today. he tips two dollars to whoever helps him out, even though we are not supposed to accept tips it is a secret agreement between him and the courtesy clerks that we will not tell management. it's our dumb little secret. i'm going to save the money mike gives me so that i can get him a small gift for christmas, it's only two dollars a couple times a week but i'm sure a tiny gift will make him happy. i will be getting slightly less hours the next couple weeks because we are between holidays but after that my hours will pick back up again. i introduced myself to the head of human resources in our area today while i was collecting the garbage. afterward one of my co-workers told me that i had made a very good impression on a very important person in the company. everyone keeps telling me that if i want to move up all i have to do is keep up the good work and let the powers at be know that i am interested in advancing my position. i'd really like to be a checker, which is the next position up from mine. i had yesterday off. wednesday is the shittiest day of the week to have off, there is nothing to do. i only managed to put on enough clothes so as not to get arrested as i marched to the mailbox. i would normally write about a lot more than work and give you guys a tour of my mind but sometimes those things are best kept to yourself. i will open the floodgates once i've figured out the plotline to my bizarre dreams. until then i can only give you my best wishes.
More Blogs
Thursday Nov 01, 2007
i think the sickness is starting to leave my person. i am no longer … -
Wednesday Oct 31, 2007
it's halloween and i'm still sick. i gets no candies -
Friday Oct 26, 2007
i've been sick since last friday. it was a gradual process, on friday… -
Thursday Oct 18, 2007
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Wednesday Oct 10, 2007
it's official, i get to stay in california instead of dragging my sor… -
Friday Oct 05, 2007
i am sad to report the death of my couch. i had noticed that one of t… -
Wednesday Oct 03, 2007
some days all you can do is eat a package of sandwich meat (honey ham… -
Thursday Sep 27, 2007
i think i'm going to try my hand at having a life. a real life. -
Wednesday Sep 26, 2007
so this is the big update. my mim's visit went well. thought she … -
Monday Sep 24, 2007
i have not properly updated this thing in a while, yikes. unfortunate…
Good luck with your hopeful move to checker.