new job leaves me exhausted. my feet hurt and my back hurts and after a few drinks nothing hurts anymore, except my ears that i practically had to re-pierced this morning. thank fucking god for spell check. i just want love or even just simple affection. you don't have to love me, just cuddle me, that would be perfectly fine. the fucking doctor asked me to fill out a depression quiz while i was in el segundo for my infected toe. are you having suicidal thoughts or ideation? no. i'm a bipolar patient, the almost constant depression is about standard. doctors love to hear that. . then they tell me to shove cotton under my toenail to help relieve the inflammation and such, and if that doesn't work come back in two weeks and have one third of your toenail surgically removed. i would have had them remove the damn thing right then had i not had to be into work by noon. fuckers. and i'm on my period. that isn't a big deal but when my cat walks across my super tender boobies in the middle of the night and i feel compelled to toss him half way across the room, then we have an issue. i love house, that show is so good. joe just had to get this new game for the x-box today, he was even waiting in line for it this morning. geek. the new guy that plays james bond gets my tiny shorts in a knot. he is so sexy. joe doesn't care about me, he has his new game. poor drunk, drunk, drunk me. it has been a while since i've been this relaxed. plenty of people are nice to me, why is it so hard to find someone to hang out with? i'm going to stop before this gets too pathetic. love, -c.
More Blogs
Thursday Jul 19, 2007
i'm hung over as fucking hell right now. and that thing that i wanted… -
Wednesday Jul 18, 2007
want! no. mine? maybe... sad face. ok. happy face. yay. kisses… -
Tuesday Jul 17, 2007
resisted the urge to punch one of my co-workers in the face this mori… -
Saturday Jul 14, 2007
i can't believe you of all people said something so stupid. and i for… -
Thursday Jul 12, 2007
we are supposed to be going to the beach later. i am going to attempt… -
Tuesday Jul 10, 2007
life is lacking structure these days. i've got no focus. my brain is … -
Wednesday Jul 04, 2007
i hung up on one of my friends last night. she calls me up at like 11… -
Monday Jul 02, 2007
i think i'm finally mellowing out, been on a mania driven bender for … -
Saturday Jun 30, 2007
i would carry you around in my pocket if i could. this is a lit… -
Friday Jun 29, 2007
i told you everything to prove to you that you aren't that fucked up …
I hope your toe is better soon. Owie.