the cat is no longer allowed to be on the couch when i am occupying it. he was sitting on the back of the couch while i was laying on it and he fell right onto me, and not only did he scratch me some part of his retarded little body hit me in my three day old vertical labret. he has been pouting all day because i refuse to acknowledge his existence now. i hate that cat. i see my new shrink for the first time tomorrow, hope it all goes well. i got bored and repainted the numbers on my parking spot, it's so cute now, i'll try to post pictures tomorrow. i saw a cat while i was taking out the garbage today, i put down the garbage bag and laid down on the sidewalk with the cat, he was really friendly. much better than my cat. my neighbors must have thought i was losing my damn mind. had the worst sugar cookie of my life today, it had lemon zest in it but there was too much and it was bitter. ugh. tomorrow i'm going to try my hand at making a pot roast. the last time i tried it was a disaster, i added too much garlic and it tasted like butt.
My cat recently pissed on and subsequently ruined 2 pairs of pants of mine. Needless to say, I'm not a big fan of my cat either.
mmmmm....pot roast....