so i've gone missing from internet land for the last week because...dramatic pause...keep it going...i sleep all the fucking time!!! that's right folks, i get home at six in the evening and usually go to bed around 7:30 or 8:00 and sleep until six in the morning. this schedule leaves little to no time for the internet, and that makes me a sad panda. tonight i am trying very had to stay awake while watching an episode of svu that i have seen a few times. but i don't care. got my anti-eyebrows taken out this evening, more beautiful scaring is on the way. i don't wear enough makeup. today i performed my first male manicure, and had an eye-opening conversation with a client named connie. connie has been married to her husband for 50 odd years, they met as sophomores in high school. it all sounded very familiar. and sweet at that. i'm tired, and not sure if any of what i've type makes sense.
I wish I could get some sleep, wanna give me some of yours?