today i encountered what could be the worst part of having facial piercings. i was getting a haircut and while combing my hair the comb got caught on my anti-eyebrow. oh the pain! it sucked so bad, it turned all red and started to swell. when i got home i realized that it had started to bleed a little bit. the lady was really sorry and everything, i tried to play it off. god damn, it almost made me cry and i was a bit pissed afterward. ugh. after cleaning the kitchen, which had started to smell, i sat down and prepared a list of household rules because i am no longer going to play the "what is that household smell" game. while i was walking from my car to the post office on base the strangest thing occurred, two women who had been talking to a gentleman were standing about a hundred feet away turned around and did a double take when they saw me. and i looked around to see if there was anything else worth starring at because i don't like to think that people are staring at me, there wasn't a damn thing. and i would have blown the whole thing off if they hadn't followed me with their eyes all the way to the entrance of the post office. it bothered me. if you are going to stare at someone, whether it be out of admiration, horror, or just interest say something to mask the fact that you are blatantly starring. say hello, say something! people are so weird. today was an excellent eyebrow day, but i had on sunglasses so i know they couldn't have been admiring those, such a pity. that would have improved my view of the situation greatly.
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