i really hope that i am never expected to go anywhere that presents any form of danger to me, because i always get miserably lost. i got lost in the hospital today, and on my way to the hospital, even though it was my third time driving there. yeah, i suck. on the up side i was told that i look neat several times today, that was nice. the nurse that was taking my blood even took pictures of me with her camera phone, she said i look a lot like her daughter. i thought the whole thing was cool, when i told joe about it he rolled his eyes. oh well, i thought it was great. saw my shrink for the first time, he is pretty cool. i go back on tuesday to continue my psychiatric evaluation and he would like for my to start therapy, saw that one coming from a mile away. oddly enough he didn't mention putting me on medication, since i've been off my meds for two weeks now and i feel exactly the same as i did when i was on them he mention possibly just keeping me off them. i'm not sure that is going to work either, but whatever the guy with the degree thinks. ugh. why is it that every time i have a mildly good day joe decides to be a prick and ruin it? why? it's always his bad attitude or general inability to give a shit about anything other than himself. dumb shit. i am not going to put up with it, i'm sick of it. this is not going to continue.
More Blogs
Monday Sep 29, 2008
greetings and salutations -
Friday Dec 07, 2007
thanks. -
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Friday Nov 16, 2007
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Friday Nov 09, 2007
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Monday Nov 05, 2007
my fever is back and i have to be to work in three hours. sweet.
I hope the therapy goes well. It's nice to have someone you can REALLY talk to.