it's early. and i'm awake. this is a problem. there is an upside to all of this, but i don't feel like sharing this morning, believe it or not some things are just dreadfully personal. although when this dreadfully personal thing comes to it's conclusion, i will be more than happy to share it with everyone. and i mean everyone. but that day is not today. on another note, joe has a three day weekend this weekend maybe we will actually do something. i love how my optimism sounds a lot like pessimism. it's amazing how we wreck this place in just a couple days. oh, and just so i can get this off my chest: nirvana. sucks. yes, i said it. i was pondering this while laying on the couch yesterday. there is a reason why nirvana can not/ should not be number one on any fan's or critic's greatest bands of all time list and that reason is because the greatest bands ever had songs that conveyed an entire range of emotions from happiness to genuine sad-fucker-dom and everything in between, nirvana did not. and don't get me wrong, i love to bathe myself in self-loathing and hate the world from time to time just as much of the next person, but, that is not all there is to life, and thusly for music to serve it's ultimate purpose it can not fixate entirely on one emotion. and that is what nirvana does. it's not often that i decide to critique music, usually whatever it is that other people want to listen to is perfectly fine with me. i don't give others shit about what they listen to, and i expect the same in return. but in this particular case i feel it necessary to voice an opinion, not that i expect anyone to actually listen, expecting that would be about on par with me saying i'm the messiah and expecting others to believe it. but i feel that way about all music, for music to serve it's purpose of enriching the human experience it simply can not have creative tunnel vision, to be great it has to cover the entire scope of the human experience. that is the standard i hold my music to, again, this is just me and i am by no means an authority on anything. i am just sharing. awww... doesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. i think i'm going to try and sleep now.
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