There are some SG names meaning which I'm very very curios to know!
So I want to ask some of my favourite SG why you chose THIS name?
It's only your usual nickname or there's a particular meaning?
@rubyvelvet @violetrose @vorpal @eden @arwen @cadorna @ultima
Stavolta sei la prima dai ☺️ e unica che mi ha risposto! Grazie! Ero stra curiosa! @ultima
@PUCCIROUGE It just occurred to me to ask this question but you got there first by a long margin! 😄 I'm not an SG or Hopeful as you might have guessed, but people do ask where my handle came from. So, for the record. Firebird has always been my online alias, since discovering .alt newsgroups in the mid-90s shortly before WWW became a thing (it was already around but took a few years to catch on). Originally, Firebird was the result of reviving a friend's computer in seconds after a so-called friend had deliberately trashed it ("It was like watching the phoenix rising from the ashes!"). Well, it sounded good to me. Later, 1956Firebird was simply the result of changing ISPs for a better deal and discovering Firebird was already taken. Damned plagiarists! 😄 1956 is my birth year, so that was easy. But also, the General Motors Firebird Mark II of 1956 is a really cool prototype/concept gas turbine car. ❤️