I'm back from a little four day vacation. It was quite good, I slept alot and read some. I watched some TV which never happens when I'm at home since I don't have one; just the DVD player on my PC. The time I spent there wasn't especially remarkable, but the trip back was. We made good time, which on a longish journey is always nice. Eastern Washington was summery-warm (about 72F) and the mountain passes were so choked with rain you couldn't see much more than head- or tail-lights. Some in between --I'd say centered around Ellensburg-- a rainbow started to show. It eventually became complete which I've never seen before. I got to watch it for about ninety minutes of the trip, as it faded in an out from barely discernable to truly vivid. Once we started into the foothills, it was even possible to see both ends as they touched the earth and at a couple of points it passed less than half a mile from the car, right in front of the hills, so that it actually seemed possible that I could get out of the car and hike off in search of a pot of gold. I kept thinking about the Nordic legends of the Bifrost Bridge which connected Midgard with Asgard and a felt a certain connection with my ancestors who held such beliefs. The whole thing made me very happy and continues to do so. At first I was sad when the rainbow went away, but then it sort peeked back out as though to remind that it was still there, but only hiding. It came back for just one brief moment a third time before it went away for good, and in some sense that helped me to carry the happiness of the experience to this very moment. All in all I decided to look upon it as one of the rare magical moments in life to be treasured, as well as an auspicious omen. I happen to like omens and portents; they give a life a whole nother dimension.
Yeah. I'm glad I went.
Yeah. I'm glad I went.