Well, I'm one step closer to being done with one of jobs. I'm still not too sure I'll be happy to be working full time at the new one, but I suspect that with a little time it'll be just fine. Mostly I need sleep. I'm getting out of town the day after tomorrow, though, and that'll be a really good chance to get a little bit caught up.
More Blogs
Tuesday Nov 11, 2003
Two good nights in one week! What are the odds?! No, seriously: it… -
Sunday Nov 09, 2003
I'm working on it. Slowly, slowly. Always new vistas to look forward … -
Sunday Nov 09, 2003
You know, right now, I pretty much just feel like giving up. I'm fuck… -
Friday Nov 07, 2003
I am happy tonight. Thankyou. -
Friday Nov 07, 2003
I am happy tonight. Thankyou. -
Thursday Nov 06, 2003
There are alot of doors opening inside. Some are beautiful. Some pain… -
Wednesday Nov 05, 2003
Sheesh. What the hell is wrong with me? Everytime I try to type anyth… -
Wednesday Nov 05, 2003
I went to freckle's birthday dinner tonight, which was nice because I… -
Saturday Nov 01, 2003
Well, I have just one job now and consequently three days a week to s… -
Friday Oct 31, 2003
I. Am. Free! Happy, happy, joy, joy.