I'm constantly exhausted... I can't even remember the last time I felt well rested. Last December I felt sort of rested up but that went away within a day or two. This needs to change soon. I need job where I get vacation time and only have to work full time rather than sixty or more hours a week just to make ends meet. Oh well. You gotta do whacha gotta do.
More Blogs
Friday Oct 17, 2003
Well, the good news is I can quit my evil job. The better news is I'm… -
Wednesday Oct 15, 2003
I've been thinking of going another route with my journal fromnow on.… -
Monday Oct 13, 2003
Oh! Here's a first: my mother took me out to breakfast Sunday morning… -
Monday Oct 13, 2003
I'm still fighting a stupid cold. I'm going to have to pull out the s… -
Saturday Oct 11, 2003
Seems I'm getting sick. Maybe I'll make some fake-chicken Chicken Noo… -
Thursday Oct 09, 2003
Insomnia is good for one thing I guess: I just wrote this nifty littl… -
Wednesday Oct 08, 2003
Hoooo boy. Life is all about stress right now. But, I'm doing good, g… -
Monday Oct 06, 2003
I've decided to try the Buddhist path. Not that I'm Buddhist, I have … -
Sunday Oct 05, 2003
I'm trying to learn to be a better person. Mostly that seems to be a … -
Friday Oct 03, 2003
Is life always this hard? Has anyone seen a time when it was easy? Ho…
get some sleep!