So upon re-reading my sentancing i had it clairified that the no contact order is for life... much like my carear as a gangsta. However there was nothing in it about building a robot "her." SO i shall begin construction on my own lil robot. IT shall be built out of the finest tools i have avaliable; lincoln logs, tinker toys, and legos, with spagetti for hair and razor blades for lips. Maybe i can hack a the cell phone voice mail and record it so I can glue a tape recorder to that plays her voice mail message.
Oh of course it won't have a soul, but if watching child plays movies (chucky) has taught me anything its that with a little vodoo a soul can be transplanted with some mumbling/chanting. You know come to think, that strangler guy that inhabits the my lil buddy doll had a more successful carear as a serial killer after being put in the doll...but thats neither here nor there. The point is yes i'm that lonely, desperate retarded what have you to do just such a thing. Only knowing my luck it'll wind up looking like robby the robot, but hey it beats fucking my hand to the point of blistering over for a life time!
Oh of course it won't have a soul, but if watching child plays movies (chucky) has taught me anything its that with a little vodoo a soul can be transplanted with some mumbling/chanting. You know come to think, that strangler guy that inhabits the my lil buddy doll had a more successful carear as a serial killer after being put in the doll...but thats neither here nor there. The point is yes i'm that lonely, desperate retarded what have you to do just such a thing. Only knowing my luck it'll wind up looking like robby the robot, but hey it beats fucking my hand to the point of blistering over for a life time!