So jail 45 days. Ca la vi. That i can do standing on my head. 45 day push up contest. No ciggs or drugs that part is kind a gay. Not to mention the two years probation. But i'm not to worried about that. But after hearing the repercussions of my actions i'm thinking to myself, it would've been devine to spend the time at house of corrections. Cause than i'd have gotten either killed, or beaten. And its like after re-visiting those bruises and hearing about the effects that you don't get to see, (i.e. dispondant twords men, tramatized and a lot of other adverbs) you fee like you need worse. I mean in county they don't just make you toss the salad. I'd have about a good 300years of racial injustice stomped into my teeth, and i'd say thats a good way to pay pennantes for my sins.Its like i got off to easy. Kinda like I expected. But i have a sneaking suspicion that this isn't over. I know my ex's mom feels the same way, this slime slimed his way out to easy. So i'm expecting a supena and a law suit any day now.
Oh well if that family does sue us its kinda of petty. I mean we'd settle out of court and probly pay doctor bills and what ever else for that little girl, but i mean we're fairly civil and I don't think law suits and lawyers should be invovled, but whatever. I could also be really wrong. Oh well once I get back, its time for summer classes. YAY! So i'll have take the same history class (bearing in mind i'm aready a history buff) for a 3rd time. 1st time i just never showed up for the final 2 weeks of class (but i had A on everything else) 2nd time i'm going to jail mid way through the semseter. 3rd times a charm i hope!
Oh well if that family does sue us its kinda of petty. I mean we'd settle out of court and probly pay doctor bills and what ever else for that little girl, but i mean we're fairly civil and I don't think law suits and lawyers should be invovled, but whatever. I could also be really wrong. Oh well once I get back, its time for summer classes. YAY! So i'll have take the same history class (bearing in mind i'm aready a history buff) for a 3rd time. 1st time i just never showed up for the final 2 weeks of class (but i had A on everything else) 2nd time i'm going to jail mid way through the semseter. 3rd times a charm i hope!