Looking to rent one pair of balls...any price any size...needed for the duration long enough to talk to the hot girl in soci. class. 2nd day in a row she's caught me sneaking glances of her, and i've caught her giving me the eye. Only I have no idea what the hell that eye is saying. "Stop staring at me creepy kid..." or maybe its "stop staring and talk to me already." On the way out I passed her in the hallway again. And just like the past couple days it appears like she noticed me and gave me smile that felt like riding a clear blue MDMA roll to its fullest and gradualy through pot and concentratiion i came back down to reality. Reality sucks cause there i'm short, car-less, I have 2 jobs so i'm not a bum. OH yeah legal procedings cause i beat on a kid. Feelings for that girl with the kid. Feelings for the kid (cause no matter how big a bastard you are that little girls eyes can illuminate even the darkest part of your life.) I mean I really don't see myself with a lot to offer a girl at this point in my life.
I mean what could I do on date that would possibly intrest someone of the oppiste sex? Hey wanna see my comic collection? Hey wanna wait for my dad to pass out and we can scrump in the basement...but only if your quiet? Hey wanna watch mindless movies and hear me make corny jokes about how seemly bad they are? OR the obvious...hey wanna get high? Its so much easier with random people as oppsed to social scinarios where rejection can equal marginality. Christ i'm a pussy
Hehh.. I can't wait for febuary, at least then my hopes and dreams can be dashed by a judges gavil, rather than my own insecurites.
I mean what could I do on date that would possibly intrest someone of the oppiste sex? Hey wanna see my comic collection? Hey wanna wait for my dad to pass out and we can scrump in the basement...but only if your quiet? Hey wanna watch mindless movies and hear me make corny jokes about how seemly bad they are? OR the obvious...hey wanna get high? Its so much easier with random people as oppsed to social scinarios where rejection can equal marginality. Christ i'm a pussy
Hehh.. I can't wait for febuary, at least then my hopes and dreams can be dashed by a judges gavil, rather than my own insecurites.