You know, that feeling of you HAVE to do something...accomplish something? ANYTHING really.
That feeling has hit me and it has hit me hard like a bat to the face 😐 Ive been in my mind a lot more than I need to be thinking about life and what to do next. Recently i havent been feeling the greatest. Between depression and anxiety on top of catching thrush, getting weekly b12 shots, starting chantix again to quit smoking.... lets just say some days are better than others.
The feelings that have hit me, have made me feel useless, worthless and just super stressed because i know i am not either of those things. I want to work but cant because i cant drive. Also because i have no one to watch my daughter and mother in law. I cant drive because i dont have a job for money to get a car, as well as I dont have my license to drive. A permit but no time to learn AND only car we own is a manual. And it goes back to needing money for a car, no one to be home with child and mother in law but cant do.... blah blah blah. See frustrating af lol i am doing my best to keep my chin up... some days its hard but those are the days my daughter decides SHE is the boss lol
Anyways, rambling more than id anticipated. I will be doing a lot of practice sets soon. I am truly hoping to get a set uploaded to my model app before the end of the year and then a lot of finger crossing. Next purchase i am thinking of getting a tablet tripod kit with remote shutter. I cannot wait. I am REALLY stoked about it! Oh and right now hair is pink... but i am missing my lavender a lot. Will also be getting me Manic Panics Creamtone Velvet Violet hair dye. 💜💜 i am pretty sure I have decided not to put eyebrow and lip rings back in, especially at this moment of having thrush. Ugh. Thankfully its not a bad case and isnt contagious but man someone shouldve warned me nystatin tasted that bad. Swish and swallow medicine is no good tasting 🤢🤢
Anyways my crazy people, i hope everyone has a great weekend and i am sorry the work week is back but get out there and you do your thing. Be gorgeous or handsome... and go make that money hunny. 😄😉
All my love, Psyria