i think i'm nearing a breakthrough. i've been trying to convince myself that no girls will ever be in to me, and i feel like i'm very close to actually believing it. isn't it amazing what almost six years of being alone will do to the mind?
i don't know why i bother. no one cares what i have to say, right? no one even pays any attention. nothing ever works right for me, never turns out the way i hoped, never gets accomplished. i'm so tired.

Being sad sucks. I hope you get some positive energy soon.

*starisea blows some across the land from here to there hoping that it will land on theleftbehind*

woooooo! the caps won!!! they finally won two in a row! bring on the '77 canadiens!

other than that...i don't know what to say.

you don't use words like that, saint louise is listening.
dude thanks for taking the time to write such a well thought out and comprehensive review - that was a random act of kindness

here is something funny - i grew up in sterling VAm and attended many caps games - usually when the flyers were in town

good catch on my postal service and the postal service..... uhhhh..... post
i'm actually getting to the point where, because i haven't worked in a couple days, i don't know what day of the week today is. when i look at the calendar, it says saturday, but it could just as easily be tuesday, or even monday or friday. i think this is almost a purer form of existence. just me, alive in space, not tied down...
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wow, i had a comment in my journal yesterday! how exciting to me!

today is friday...i haven't worked the past two days, and i'm not going to work the next two. i'm so happy i get to lay around and relax all day for four straight days.

in other news...there is no other news. have fun out there, whever you may be.
haha and here is one for you today as well!
i haven't worked in the past few months cos i got laid off.
how lame is that?

yeah my day was alright otherwise.
hes def an ex for reasons. lots of 'em too.
what a jerkass.

enjoy yr days off!
wow, there's new stuff on my profile. i guess i was taking a nap when they added those questions (just like i was taking a nap when chloe became katie). now there's even more stuff about me for people to not read about.

my mom comes home in like 5 hours. i have to go finish cleaning the cigarette butts and porn out of the...
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haha have fun getting the porn out of the house smile
ooh! ooh! milestone time!

i just noticed that i hit 100 posts. actually, i noticed that i hit 101, but i just posted two things, so 100 came like 3 minutes ago. and i also noticed i joined the site in october 2002. and it is now october 2003. so basically i'm averaging one post every 3.65 days. but, as i said, i just posted...
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i got a lot of things to do today. i need to buy a dress shirt, new shoes, i want to get some new books, i need to go grocery shopping. i have to go to the bank and deposit my paycheck.

but the thing i most want to do is curl up in a ball and sleep until it's dark outside. then i can...
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