tonight is isis. i'm really looking forward to seeing them. right now i have to go to work. i need coffee. and a cigarette. work is lame. okay, gotta go. thanks for reading. enjoy your day. adios.
thanks for the compliment sweety. wink smile
alright folks, it's motown time!!!!!

"Whenever i'm with him/ somethin inside/ starts to burnin/ and i'm filled with desire/ could it be the devil in me/ or is this the way love's supposed to be?

it's like a heat wave!
burnin in my heart!
i can't keep from cryin!
it's tearin me apart!

whenever he calls my name/ soft, low, sweet and plain/ i feel...
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hello nobody! i am finally back on. i got my password changed cause i'm a stoner and i forgot it. but now i'm back. to let you know. i can really shake em down. DO YOU LOVE ME? (i can really move) DO YOU LOVE ME? (i'm in the groove) DO YOU LOVE ME now that i can dance?
I am doing Maths at uni
i'm through with this shit.
I was for almost a week. A certain thread caused me to rejoin for the month. Not sure if I will leave again at the end of the month. Anyways, should you go through with this then I wish you the best in your life. Take care bro.
happy b-day
i know i haven't written on here in a long time. i'm sure no one cares. well, here's a little update for the maybe two people that do:

my friends have convinced me to finally leave my house, and go out to the bar with them on a regular basis (read: every day). this is a lot more drinking than i am used to, and...
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You still there bro?
alright listen up you piece of no good sorry ass shit. if you are the person that was driving in front of a green dodge neon on backlick road/fairfax county parkway this evening around 6.15pm, i want you to know how much i despise you. how much i want you to suffer unending torture, and how much i want you to never see the light...
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lol. That's fuckin crazy man. Fuck a neon anyways. I hate those things. Anyways, assholes like that should not be allowed on the roads. I had an incident last September kind of like this, except it was a dude riding my ass. I was going like 60-65 in a 50 already. I hate it when people get on my ass when I am well over the speed limit. So I slowed down to about 20 to get him to pass. We had our windows down and the dude started yelling "JARHEAD MOTHERFUCKERS" and threatning to kick both our asses. I'm totally with ya on this though. If your not going to at least do the limit in the fast lane, get the fuck out of the way. Especially during rush hour. I can't help but laugh about the speeding up recording thing though dude. You know, those stories about people hooking guys up with an ugly girl. It's funny until it happens to you. heh. I imagine if I had been in your shoes I would have probably gotten myself in a lot of trouble. You should have gotten the license plate. Never know when ya might run into someone that could possibly get the driver's address for you. Take it easy.
You quoted TMBG, so I had to come by and give you kisses.
kiss kiss kiss
so it's monday, day nine of my vacation, and i'm going to the game tonight! here are my pre-game predictions: the caps will give up 42 shots on goal, and olie will make 39 saves. the caps will get 21 shots on goal, and andrew raycroft will give up 1 goal, for a final score of 3 to 1, caps lose. frown at least i get...
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My vacation came to an end last night mad . I'm assuming you are going to see a hockey game? I'm a retard when it comes to sports. About the only kind of games I can watch are college football.
is there anything more enjoyable than vacations? today i woke up and spent a total of one hour and fifty six minutes picking through my cds, opening every box, shuffling through piles, trying to find a faint cd (which i never found, by the way. i think i may have to just buy it again). the point being, on most normal days, i would have...
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happy holidays
i feel like reaching out. i was just cruising the boards section, and there are some that i thought, "hey, i should join _____". but then, it was like a flash-forward in time...i could see myself not participating, not being recognized, feeling unable to escape my own little shell. it's almost as if i am on one side of the street, and all the action...
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