what is with you girls? teasing and tempting me the way that you do? can't you see i'm a vulnerable, scared, fragile little animal that just wants to be left alone?
More Blogs
Wednesday Oct 15, 2003
i am not good enough. i deserve nothing. i am ugly, and no girls wi… -
Monday Oct 13, 2003
there will be no bitching and moaning in the following journal entry.… -
Thursday Oct 09, 2003
on the run! gotta shower and i'm out the door and on the way to 9.30… -
Wednesday Oct 08, 2003
i don't have much to say right now. hockey starts tonight, so i'm pr… -
Monday Oct 06, 2003
everyone go away. -
Thursday Oct 02, 2003
i just don't care. there is nothing for me, nor do i deserve anythin… -
Monday Sep 29, 2003
tonight i watched the final episode of temptation island. it was the… -
Sunday Sep 28, 2003
i am so lonely. i've gotten to the point where i'm starting to quest… -
Thursday Sep 25, 2003
i am a house of cards. my foundation is millimeters wide. the sligh… -
Tuesday Sep 23, 2003
i don't understand strip clubs. it's been a really long time since i…
Heh, I usually go for the lemon-lime Gatorade man. Im about to switch back to fruit punch though. I go back and forth between the three original flavors.
You ever thought about the military? Even the reserves can help ya out when thinking of deciding what you want your future to be. When I was stationed for three months in 29 Palms CA, I began thinking more about my future. I guess this all stemmed from
1)It was the first time I really had any freedom while on active duty status. In boot-camp you are a slave, and you dont get much more freedom in MCT.
2)Being around people from different areas of the country. I have had room-mates from NYC, Chicago, and a few from different areas of the west coast.
Hmm, what can switching over to Native American do for me. I dont know all the benefits but the main thing is minority status. It goes against my beliefs (I consider myself a libertarian) but I might as well take advantage of the system if it is available to me. There are people out there who have not done a damn thing for the country but yet the leech off the government. I pay my taxes, serve in the military, so I think that I should be entitled, and justly so when looking at these people, to use the government as they do. Sorry for the ranting bro, and for any shit that sounded fucked up. I'm tired right now so kind of speaking my mind and not giving a fuck as to how fucked, weird, or dumb it sounds. Later.