i think carl jung thought that you projected your unconcious onto people, and that's what made you get the feeling that you like or dislike someone immediately upon meeting them. so does that mean that if you get frustrated by and dislike most people, you really are being frustrated by and disliking some aspect of yourself that you cannot "deal with"? something in your unconcious that is unresolved with the concious aspects of yourself? if that is so, then I FUCKING HATE THE PART OF MYSELF THAT MAKES GIRLS TAKE ONE LITTLE STEP TOWARDS ME, JUST ENOUGH TO MAKE ME THINK I HAVE A CHANCE TO END MY LONLINESS AND BE HAPPY WITH THEM, THEN TURN AND RUN AND MAKE ME ALL FUCKING DEPRESSED AND PISSED OFF!!! AAAARRRGHHH!!!
No Way, Freddy is a burnt up piece of shit. Peace.