I'm pretty sure 99.99999% of my blogs start off with me stating how much I've been slacking off in the blogs department. So why should this one be any different right?
Although in my defense I actually thought I posted this blog about seeing Otep at the Hardrock Casino. So while I'm lalalala-ing around the internet thinking I'm current, I'm now two concert blogs behind. Oh well.
Anyways, yeah, back in May I was able to see Otep back on tour again with Thira, Smile Empty Soul (hey early 2000's nice to see you again), and Dope. I really impressed with Thira's set, they opened the show and really set the tone and energy for the night. Definitely a band I would keep an eye on for their sound and strong stage presence.
Next up was Smile Empty Soul which I honestly didn't think was still around. In fact the only song I recognized of theirs was Bottom of the Bottle, but it still sounded as good as when I first heard it years ago. I got a few photos of them, but none I'm overly happy with to warrant including in the blog. After SMS was Dope whom re-energized the crowd. They were tearing up it up, but unfortunately I think their set was cut short due to some time consuming problems the sound techs were having while striking the stage before their set. Which if true was a shame cause a longer set would have been welcome.
Finally, Otep took the stage and it was fucking awesome!!! Granted she's only "retired" for like 8 months, but it was still super mega fucking awesome-sauce to see her and the band back on stage with that same undeniable energy throughout the crowd. The past few shows I've seen were in LA and seriously nothing can be a home town show, but I have to say the Vegas tribe really gave the LA tribe a run for pure insanity.
So this was just a quick concert update. Again, obviously more photos are on my www.facebook.com/psylentmike but these were just my favorite photos. My next blog will cover the Black Label Society/Butcher Babies concert which was fucking mind blowing in every way! As well as some up coming travel plans.
To be continued......