Ok, so there's much to post and update about since last time, but for now I'm just happy to finally be in my new place and back online. (After some self troubleshooting since no one could fix it for the past 2 days).
So expect a bigger update soon once I'm fully settled, but for now I'm just going to try to catch up on...
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Exactly one week from today my roommate and I will be back in Cali to hit Disneyland for a couple of days. We cannot wait to get out of town for a few days and away from this +100 degree heat. I also get to break out new bae (my Nikon) to shoot around the park while we're there which I really can't wait for....
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I'm pretty sure 99.99999% of my blogs start off with me stating how much I've been slacking off in the blogs department. So why should this one be any different right?
Although in my defense I actually thought I posted this blog about seeing Otep at the Hardrock Casino. So while I'm lalalala-ing around the internet thinking I'm current, I'm now two concert blogs behind....
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Just got home.
After 4 hours of sweating in one of the most intense, awesome, badass crowds/pits.
Ears still ringing.
I'll work on the shitload of photos I took tomorrow.
Concert photos coming soon, but just from a quick glance there's at least a few photos that blew me away.
Stay tuned.....
Even though I should be setting aside the money for the car repairs and I still need to go back to Cali for my things which means getting a small uhaul at this point, I went and upgraded my phone since I can get a pretty good employee discount through MGM. Plus, I've had a S1 galaxy since forever and it's been slowly dying everyday....
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