- Another crazy long week at work done. Next week should be decidedly less hectic, thankfully.
- Got totally plastered with two good friends last night and didn't get home til 6:30 AM.
- My arms are covered in bruises and pinches, courtesy of the above, thanks to my big mouth.
- My best friend is on a plane to Cuba right now and I hate him for it.
- The temperature went over +20 C this week a few times. It's awesome.
- The Habs got raped on Thursday. Price will redeem himself tonight, though.
- I haven't been laid in over a month and the only reason is because I haven't had the time.
- The playoff beard is coming along nicely (pics at the end of the blog).
- Kanye's tour is getting rave reviews. I'm going in May. Can't wait.
- Game time in 15 minutes. I'm psyched.
- BBQ and 40s in the park afterwards.
- The music is blasting, the windows are open and the fresh air is flowing in.
And here's the infamous playoff beard:

ediit [4/22/08]: looks like the beard is staying for a while! GO HABS GO!
- Got totally plastered with two good friends last night and didn't get home til 6:30 AM.
- My arms are covered in bruises and pinches, courtesy of the above, thanks to my big mouth.
- My best friend is on a plane to Cuba right now and I hate him for it.
- The temperature went over +20 C this week a few times. It's awesome.
- The Habs got raped on Thursday. Price will redeem himself tonight, though.
- I haven't been laid in over a month and the only reason is because I haven't had the time.
- The playoff beard is coming along nicely (pics at the end of the blog).
- Kanye's tour is getting rave reviews. I'm going in May. Can't wait.
- Game time in 15 minutes. I'm psyched.
- BBQ and 40s in the park afterwards.
- The music is blasting, the windows are open and the fresh air is flowing in.
And here's the infamous playoff beard:

ediit [4/22/08]: looks like the beard is staying for a while! GO HABS GO!
im excited to see it on wednesday