Winter Solstice was wonderful! I went to my friend Rafael's house for a Solstice party. His house is always a safe and healing place, and going there is always a great experience. Me and my friend Cheryl got there a little early ,met and talked with the other arriving people. As soon as most of the people arrived there was a meditative ceremony which ended in the sharing of a gift to the party.Some brought really touching and personal gifts to share. Poetry,music(performed) massages,incense,and other equally interesting things passed around the room. Me and Cheryl passed around the mulled(spiced) wine I had made in the kitchen in large cups that were drained and refilled untill they were gone. The rest of the party was of suprisingly deep conversation, and cuddling with cute girls.There was so much emotional and sexual vitality swirling through the house that eventually I was overwhelmed by it. There came a point where I just sat down in the middle of the room by the fire to let the energy flow through me. I spent the next day hanging out with some of the people I had met at the house, It was a such very transcendent experience that it helped me prepare myself to deal with the painful things Ive suppressed to get through the year.
More on this later.....
More on this later.....
Hey Kevin. Didn't know you were on SG. Glad to find you man.
Hmmm where do I begin... I haven't seen the final esp. for the actual serie yet
Other then that the Death of Evanglieon was like enough for me