LEAVING ON A JET PLANE...farewell to all for now. i am going to las vegas for almost a week for work. surprisingly i'm not excited at all. A FREE TRIP TO VEGAS AND IM NOT EXCITED?? that is correct. evldeddgrl is having some horrible days and i feel bad cause i cant be here to help her out AND i have never ever been away from my daughter for that long. that is going to be very hard. but i have no choice i have to go to las vegas, but while im there and not in a confrence, by the way those confrences go from 6 IN THE FUCKING MORNING TO 8 AT NIGHT!!, i will try to win some money to fix the evlded ones car...and something nice for my beautiful princess, and maybe some ink for myself
well until i get back have fun everyone ill miss you and see yall nigggas soon
You know damn well we'll have to meet up somewhere and cause a ruckus collectively!