had a few drinks up in keene and i must have eaten something that didn't agree with me cause i
all night and
some more DURING the inventory.. . damn it sucked. then i kinda fell asleep at the wheel driving home from keene...that sucked...then i get home and fall asleep, wake up and still feel like shit, then i fell asleep on the couch, i was a sick lazy fucking bum that day, i didn't help evldedgrl out with the housework or taking care of lilly
fuck i suck
......but even feeling like shit and
my brains out and the chance to escape with
nothing stopped us from going to LAND OF THE DEAD...which needs another viewing before any final decisions can be made at this time...think about it it's been over 20 years since his last zombie opus(sp?) expectations were VERY high for this and it was good and all but....
kinda left me feeling a little jipped...maybe WAITING until the original release date in october wouldn't have been a bad idea universal!! but like i said another viewing is definetly in the evldedgrl and i came up with an idea today...i had invited xEvilXashleYx and brian666 over for a night of dinner and horror movies when we thought lets just have a small get together of a couple of us..a chance for new friends to met and have a few drinks and some meat and if your a bunny then there will be lettuce and maybe a carrot.. evldedgrl is on this kick of not eating meat cause of some documentary thing she saw...i dont get not eating meat but
you wanna be a bunny then go for it
i'll stand behind you... so yeah you interested then let me know i've got about 250 dvd's and half are horror so if anyone has a suggestion let me know cause if i dont have it then i can find it and i'm thinking about doing a venicine(sp?) chilli for my carnavours and evldedgrl will do...lettuce and carrots...mmmm hey how about a rabbit stew?

[Edited on Jul 17, 2005 11:59PM]