very excited the other night i got to go out on my date with evldedgrl
the one and only mmmmmmm evldedness mmmmm we went and sadly saw the ring 2
what a fucking waste of time. if anyone out there hasn't seen it then do your self the favor and dont waste your money. just wait until friday and go see sin city. that's going to be fucking phenominal!!! so many new cd's coming out this year i think it's definetly going to be a good year \m/ new queens of the stone age\m/ \m/nin\m/ \m/cky\m/ \m/mindless self indulgence\m/ \m/life of agony\m/ \m/ team sleep\m/ \m/peeping tom\m/ \m/fantomas\m/ and i know there are so many others what is everyone excited for this year in music? movies? mmmm land of the dead!!!! malevolence on dvd soon! STAR WARS EPISODE 3!!!! HELL YEAH. that was probably the best thing about going to the movies other than the company of the beautiful evldedgrl mmmmm, the theater right next to ours was playing robots, and as we were going into ours i heard a lightsaber, as my eyes widend with excitment evldedgrl's just rolled into the back of her i opened the door to robots so i could watch the episode 3 trailer!!! mother of god i can not wait......hey at least i know i'm pathetic

I just went to see The Ring 2 and I didn't think it was that horrible. But they should wait for better technology before attempting computer-animated deer. Also, how did that fMax guy get in the truck before dying? and why did Samara have to crawl out of so goddamn many television sets? And why does she want a mommy so badly if hers fucking killed her? Eh, at least it was a matinee.