anybody going to monster mania this year? me and evldedgrll are! that looks like it'll be fun, last year was just very overwhelming. lots of people are going to be there im extremly excited for greg nicotero!! you might remember him for doing special effects for such movies as, evil dead 2, army of darkness, hostel, cabin fever, kill bill. ginger snaps, sin city, in the mouth of madness, spawn, bride of re-animator, new nightmare, nightmare on elm st.5, texas chainsaw massacre3, land of the dead, day of the dead, lemony snickets, chronicles of narnia, little nicky, tales from the darkside the movie, the list goes on and on and i can't wait to meet him! and tony todd! fuck yeah! but anyway, so for BELOVED we've got a crew almost settled away now we have started with the casting, so far the lead male character has been cast
who? NATE motherfucking JOHNSON, you might remember him from such movies as...hmm well none actually but you might have heard him in such bands as chagrin, deadwater drowning, premonitions of war, burnt by the sun, pipebomb dildo. buckhunter, the network, even on the last red chord cd or the upcoming acacia strain cd...soo my car is fucked up and i still blame it on evldedgrl jinxing me well next week is her birthday so i want to thank my secretive spies out there helping me out with things, although i dont know if any of them are on this site
who knows anyway.....

ANYWAY. when you get your tax return i want you to get a tune-up and new brakes..
and you can just reply with "yes ma'm."
that is all.