As a christmas gift for evldedgrl I wrote her a short story. One of the guys who worked for me over the christmas season really fell in love with the story and he wants to make it into a movie. He has worked on movies and tv shows before he still has friends in the industry and he has access to equipment. He wants to film a short version of it, 15-20 minutes to shop around with to try and get backers to finance a feature length version of it. This makes me happy cause some one really liked an idea I came up with
yay for me! I finally thought of a title for the story. I am calling it BELOVED, sounds gay? well fuck you Amy is french for beloved, and it's my story so i'll call it snaps the greffy homopheliac for all I care. huh where the hell did that come from..anyway....I am calling out to local friends to help with crew and what not on the short..anyone interested? If anyone wants to read the short story the short movie will be based off of feel free to comment here or email me at and ill get a copy out to you.

I'm with you, brother!
Can I stand in the back and hold up four fingers and point to my shirt?
oh man, i could really go for some pie