time for a greffy update:
so im on my last few days of vacation from work
that went by too fast....so what did i do while on vaca, glad you asked:
saturday started off my vacation and it so happened to be the first day of the second annual rock and shock. what a way to start, it was awesome. joe knetter got his faced tattooed on his ass, i got to meet george romero, had the pleasure to hang out with superhotugly, evldedgrl and wugglyump are the hottest damn zombie nurses ever(and if you dont believe me then look at either one of there pages OR!!!!!
go to my favorite horror website and you can see them there, im so effin proud, http://www.dreadcentral.com ) got to see tons of cool shit, i didnt want it to end. the only downside was the
argument with the evldedgrl, sorry
, anyway.....then the rest of my vacation has been spending some very much needed time with the girls and hanging out at home, with the stupid exception of thursday having to go to nashua for a stupid district meeting and then ofcourse tomorrow night going to my store and staying all fucking night to change the entire layout by myself! i hope i get hurt so i can sue!!
......but anyway thats about it well that and making up super cool sayings with good friends such as "snaps the greffy homopheliac", the word greffy, oh snaps as opposed to just the typical oh snap, anti-sodomite apperiently instead of the ever popular antisemite(sp?) and the newest installment cravenable...oh yes the wackiness never ends
i need a white russian or jack and coke anyone wanna help me out?
so im on my last few days of vacation from work

saturday started off my vacation and it so happened to be the first day of the second annual rock and shock. what a way to start, it was awesome. joe knetter got his faced tattooed on his ass, i got to meet george romero, had the pleasure to hang out with superhotugly, evldedgrl and wugglyump are the hottest damn zombie nurses ever(and if you dont believe me then look at either one of there pages OR!!!!!

i can't wait til october 2006.... not just for rockNshock#3, but when we get surgically hitchted together for the rest of our lives... you ready? i'm ready. let's doooooooit!