I lost a good friend this week due to alcohol. He didn't wreck, or kill someone, I believe what happened to be worse than that. We had been friends for years, and it is hard to see him go. The other night he was over, he had ALLOT to drink that night and passed out on the couch. I was walking past the couch to go from kitchen to living room, when he woke up, and he woke up so crazy...like unimaginably crazy...and angry. He immediately cornered me near my front door, with a pillow in one hand and a clenched fist in the other, he hit me several times with those items. My purse hangs where he had me so I reached in and grabbed my tazer and knife, I told him that if he hit me again I would use them...he swung again, I didn't even move the knife...he grazed his arm with it...enough to break the skin byt nothing really. He fucking went nuts!!! He grabbed my wrist and began to kick me repeatedly in my stomach, I told him that he was hurting where I just had surgery (they literally had to reconnect all my abdominal muscles, and he knew this), and he said that he didn't give a fuck. He stumbled backwards and took me to the ground with him, continuing to kick me. My bf tazed him and punched him until he let me go. The whole time this was going on he would be yelling...you made me get up, stop attacking me, you're making me do this...I had to pull a gun on him for him to get out of my house. My wrist was so swollen, and my stomach felt like I just had the surgery again. I had to go to the emergency room to make sure none of my surgical stuff was injured, luckily it was ok. I was in so much pain, however, that I couldn't stop throwing up, they had to give me phenegren in my IV 3 times before I stopped, on top of pain meds and anti anxiety...I don't even remember leaving the hospital and getting home that's how much meds it took to make me comfortable again. This makes me so sad, we were really close friends, best friends you could say, it isn't the first time alcohol caused a confrontation between us, but the last time was nothing in caparison. It makes me sad because he might as well have died that night....in my eyes now he is. There is no redemption from those actions, from sending your best friend to the hospital, now there's no going back. He WAS a good friend, and until that night, probably one of the best ones I have ever had.
Wow, I'm glad you weren't hurt worse. What a horrible experience to go through. I couldn't imagine having to deal with that.
This all sounds so sad. I bet your friend will never look at alcohol the same way again...