- on the_dead_age's page
- on hunters78beast's page
- on literofmorgan's page
- on x9draven9x's page
- on helplessdrift's page
- on helplessdrift's photo
Top 5 reasons I became a SG model
1. well there is the obvious one of wanting to get myself out there as a model
2. to connect with others who like myself would like to advance their modeling
3. I have always loved the diversity that SG offers
4. become a part of a supportive community
5. last but not least I wanted to...
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Tattooed Paradise
Hopeful Set
by rossf
@lyxzen @rambo @missy
This weeks homework is our high school style, mine looks nothing like me now lol. I went to a private school, raised by parents in a church that may as well be considered a cult. This is why I no longer live in NC. Yes, I miss the season changes, loved going to the Blue Ridge Parkway in the fall....but do I...
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Tell us about your first job.
My first job was at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte NC. When I was a senior in high school I had dual enrollment with the local community college, by the time I graduated I was already second level nursing assistant so I was able to get this job right after graduating.
You learn all about stuff in school, but until...
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Sweet Temptations
Hopeful Set
by 9005900
What is your favorite group on SG and why?
I Would have to say the anal sex group lol..... I think it is because the candid conversations on there and how we can discuss ideas, experiences, plans, help, to each other.... no one ever takes it too far and I really think some great ideas and stories come in from there
This week could not have started any worse than it did. I spent most of it in the hospital receiving medications that still have me all fucked up inside. Tears and fear filled my week this week......Today I go to check my email and I am sooooooooo excited to announce that my photo set was accepted and I am now a HOPEFUL!!:))))) My set is...
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Sooooooo sorry i feel like I have neglected you guys lately, but when it rains it pours...or always in my life lol. This has been one busy month, between the photo shoot, trying to narrow down photos, and just life happening. This past week nearly ran me ragged...Bought a new car FINALLY on Sunday, only to have it break down the next day AFTER I...
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I feel like I have ran my ass off this past week, but it was all worth it. I had my photo shoot Tuesday, and i couldn't be more excited about the way it turned out... I can't wait to get the pics. Thank you @callistus photographer, as always it was a pleasure and a blast working with you. Thanks you to @commando for saving...
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