I am at the mercy of the Sears repair man! PLEASE COME SOON! My washing machine has gone rogue! It's locked in the clothes I need this weekend! Damn you Kenmore HE 2 Plus 27" Front Load Washer #263 647 512! DAMN YOU!
Worked out in the rain last night.
Bought Green Day tickets.
Diner with friends tonight.
Cottage tomorrow, back on Sunday.
Tattoo completely healed! No more itching!
Craving for bagel with cream cheese. Weird.
Saw the All American Rejects a few weeks ago in Montreal.
They are SOO much better live!

Also went to Fall Out Boy with my Dad. They are one of his favorite bands.

I'm always complaining that I don't have post-its at work (they are too expensive according to my asshole boss) so my best friend bought me these:

Have a great weekend!
Worked out in the rain last night.
Bought Green Day tickets.
Diner with friends tonight.
Cottage tomorrow, back on Sunday.
Tattoo completely healed! No more itching!
Craving for bagel with cream cheese. Weird.
Saw the All American Rejects a few weeks ago in Montreal.
They are SOO much better live!

Also went to Fall Out Boy with my Dad. They are one of his favorite bands.

I'm always complaining that I don't have post-its at work (they are too expensive according to my asshole boss) so my best friend bought me these:

Have a great weekend!
Where can i get those post it notes? i need those very badly!!!
Those are the best post it notes, ever! LOL