WOW! It's only been 2 and a half weeks but it feels longer since I've checked SG. How is everyone?
It's my birthday tomorrow... I will be turning 24. This is my last year in this "checkbox". Next year I will be bumped to the 25-35 year old category on surveys. SHIT.
Here are 25 random facts about me...
(yes I know I stole this from Facebook; but I'm tired and don't feel like writting a long post today)
1. I use to have a pet hedgehog named Pickles
2. Ive danced for the Queen at Balmoral Castle in Scottland
3. I am Obsessive Compulsive about the number 3
4. I have an irrational fear of climbing the stairs at home when the basement lights are off
5. Ive totaled 2 cars and hit 3 others (Ive never claimed to be a safe driver either)
6. I dont like blue tasting foods or liquids (juice, alcohol or blueberry anything)
7. Nadine, Jocelyn and I almost drowned at Maxville last year (True Story)
8. I flip my pillow at night to get to the cold side
9. Dancing on stage at a Dropkick Murphys concert was the best time Ive had dancing EVER
10. Last summer, I flew to Florida to see Fall Out Boy and RUSH
11. This is the first pass-it-along list Ive ever filled out
12. The same hairstylist has been doing my hair since I was 13
13. When I was in Cadets, I never once un-tied my tie. My Dad tied it for me on my first day and it never once came undone for 7 years
14. I once had to sit on a speaker at a D.O.A show to keep it from bouncing off the stage
15. Cherry Garcia is my favorite Ben and Jerrys ice cream
16. I think EVERYONE should experience interior camping in Algonquin Park at least once in
their lives (Achray Station is one of my favorite places on earth)
17. I think Adrian Harewood (All in A Day on CBC) has a sexy voice
18. I was the baby Ice Hog one year at Winterlude (my first job)
19. I hate clubs and dancing (pubs are the way to go)
20. Visiting Auschwitz in Poland was one of the most significant days of my life
21. I hate Peas
22. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite movie
23. I got my first tattoo during a scavenger hunt in high school (20 points)
24. The Jonas Brothers are totally my guilty pleasure of 2009
25. I read all four Twilight books in 9 days
It's my birthday tomorrow... I will be turning 24. This is my last year in this "checkbox". Next year I will be bumped to the 25-35 year old category on surveys. SHIT.
Here are 25 random facts about me...
(yes I know I stole this from Facebook; but I'm tired and don't feel like writting a long post today)
1. I use to have a pet hedgehog named Pickles
2. Ive danced for the Queen at Balmoral Castle in Scottland
3. I am Obsessive Compulsive about the number 3
4. I have an irrational fear of climbing the stairs at home when the basement lights are off
5. Ive totaled 2 cars and hit 3 others (Ive never claimed to be a safe driver either)
6. I dont like blue tasting foods or liquids (juice, alcohol or blueberry anything)
7. Nadine, Jocelyn and I almost drowned at Maxville last year (True Story)
8. I flip my pillow at night to get to the cold side
9. Dancing on stage at a Dropkick Murphys concert was the best time Ive had dancing EVER
10. Last summer, I flew to Florida to see Fall Out Boy and RUSH
11. This is the first pass-it-along list Ive ever filled out
12. The same hairstylist has been doing my hair since I was 13
13. When I was in Cadets, I never once un-tied my tie. My Dad tied it for me on my first day and it never once came undone for 7 years
14. I once had to sit on a speaker at a D.O.A show to keep it from bouncing off the stage
15. Cherry Garcia is my favorite Ben and Jerrys ice cream
16. I think EVERYONE should experience interior camping in Algonquin Park at least once in
their lives (Achray Station is one of my favorite places on earth)
17. I think Adrian Harewood (All in A Day on CBC) has a sexy voice
18. I was the baby Ice Hog one year at Winterlude (my first job)
19. I hate clubs and dancing (pubs are the way to go)
20. Visiting Auschwitz in Poland was one of the most significant days of my life
21. I hate Peas
22. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite movie
23. I got my first tattoo during a scavenger hunt in high school (20 points)
24. The Jonas Brothers are totally my guilty pleasure of 2009
25. I read all four Twilight books in 9 days

ur middle picture is great! Happy early one!

Happy Birthday! I've missed you lots.